Somewhere when they said 2013 was outa' here, I had visions of a great new beginning for 2014.... as in the weather department for starters.
We've had enough of the economy, enough of the politics and now we have certainly had enough of this weather. The hammock is frozen in place, the palm tree is covered in snow and I just don't picture shovelin' snow in shorts and an aloha shirt.... somehow it just doesn't seem right. Thought it was supposed to be flip flops and sandy beaches.
As Jimmy once said, it's time to hit the reboot key..... so heck with mother nature, the heck with that rodent up north, come on what does a ground hog know about the weather anyway.
Remember spring is just 45 days away so it's time to get geared up and be ready for some fun in the sun,
That's right it's 2 degrees and that ain't sand under the palm tree! When we say we're chillin', we mean it.
So hang in there SPRING is just around the corner and we've got lots of new exciting NEW things for this year.